Transaction Report Schema

reservationIdTruckSmarter’s uuid for reservation949a0b0a-fe96-421a-9c1a-01135972af26
externalReservationIdMerchant’s transaction_id in their accounting system, null if not applicable1B9AC0B8
truckStopNamename of the truck stop, to distinguish reservations from different truck stops in each report[TEST] TruckSmarter Travel Center
reservationCodedriver’s 6 digit alpha-numeric fuel codeG1OX66
settlementStatusone of pending, success.
pending for when the transaction was completed but have not been paid out yet;
success for transaction that has been paid out
pending, success
reservedAttimestamp with timezone when the user reserved the fuel code, 2023-01-11T12:47:57.340-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]
redeemedAttimestamp with timezone when the user started fueling2023-01-11T12:48:20.095-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]
pumpIdpump number where the driver fueled up, for reconciliation purposes12
gallonsnumber of gallons (diesel) for the reservation, in 3 decimal precision58.735
buyPriceDollarsthe per gallon price at which TruckSmarter will payout to merchant truck stop, in 3 decimal precision3.799
retailPriceDollarsthe per gallon retail price at the time of user redeemedAt4.189
paymentAmountDollarsthe total dollar amount paid out to merchant truck stop from TruckSmarter, in 2 decimal precision223.13
fuelTypeone of diesel, def, reeferdiesel
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